Wednesday 4 May 2011


We have uploaded our horror film opening to youtube, to see what other people thought of what we have done and what we could do better.


Today, I burnt our prelimary task and our horror film opening onto a DVD. We have just about finished our evaluations with only one more evaluation to do which we will do when we have our media lesson tomorrow.


We have now finished editing our horror opening, we have spent time making sure the opening runs smoothly and that the music and sounds and the effects give the kind of reaction we want to give to the audience. Although, the requirement of the horror film opening needs to be 2 minutes, our horror opening is 2 seconds out at 1 minute and 58 seconds. Next week we shall start to prepare our evaluations on a PowerPoint and burn our preliminary task and our main task - the horror film opening onto a dvd.


Now that we have the downloaded footage of Scarlett's filming on the mac's, we started editing together the end of our opening and with the many different shots filmed by Scarlett we are able to finish our horror opening. We edited the scenes of Jamie walking into the kitchen and getting the knife out of the draw. Scarlett thought it would be a good idea to add scenes of Jamie walking down the street with the knife and having a fade out at the end of the footage. When we had finished the editing, we added the title of the film in the middle of the opening to create more tension. We used the font 'Cracked' for the title to make it look more like a horror film because it looks scary. We also brought each word of 'Revenge Is Near' up one by one, over a crashing sound to make it sound scary. We made the titles come up as we placed another piece of music on after the song 'Loveletters' to help build more tension. I think this makes the opening much more effective. We found a copyright free sound of a mobile phone to go over the scene of Jamie recieving Scarlett's text. We added many effects to the cross dissolve effect we used to create a blurry image which shows Scarlett, this shows that Jamie is thinking of Scarlett while reaching for the knife. This is one of my favourite parts of the opening, as it really captures your attention to what is going to happen next.


As we have to use copyright free music in our opening, we had to find a website with music that is not copyrighted. The website that we used for the music is: We found a piece a music on the site called 'Love Letters' which would be perfect to play over the sequence of the photos of Jamie and Scarlett. We added the Production & Distribution company names at the start of our opening. We added different effects to go change each picture and make it look more realistic. Also by adding the effects and some music over the top, it made it look very professional.


There were still some more filming to do to help create our finish opening, so Scarlett volunteered to finish the filming. The footage that Scarlett had filmed were, Jamie walking down the stairs into the kitchen, opening the draw and taking out a knife. We thought that using this in our opening would be very effective as we can create tension, we started to discuss to maybe, adding an effect where we can show scarlett's face while he is pulling out the knife, this will help the audience understand the danger of what is going to happen. Scarlett also filmed the footage of Jamie leaving his house to go to meet her at the park. To make our work better and easier to work with, she got lots of different shots and angles of him leaving.
As i briefly spoke about in my last post, we had a mistake by Jamie having Scarlett not saved as Ellie - We got Scarlett to also film this while she was there so we had all the footage we needed.


We started to look through the footage and began editing the start of our opening. We wanted to create the feel of the happy relationship that Jamie and Scalett have to the audience so we edited some of the photos that are in Scarlett's room and continued the showing kf photos  at the start of the opening which created the sense that it is teen horror movie. We then took the different shots of Scarlett making and sending the text and edited together to show to the audience of what maybe is the end of their relationship. But, when looking through the footage filmed, we noticed that the footage showed Jamie's phone saying Scarlett and not Ellie. We couldnt use these clips as it wouldnt make sense to the audience, this is where we decided to rename her to Scarlett. We then edited the scenes of Jamie ripping up photos of him and Scarlett. We started to add opening titles to our horror opening, following the sequence from the film 'Mirror Mask.' When deciding on the detail of the opening titles, we decided to use lower case small lettering, to give the feel of a teen film, as grammar and capitals is not important to most teenagers. We added the different titles, in different corners of our framing, depending on where it would be appropriate where it could be seen.
We then decided to look at some copyright free music on the internet, but up to now, we do not have any music that we feel is right for our opening. 

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Update on casting..

In a previous post, i posted..

On Monday 15th November, we discussed and thought about the cast of our film, deciding who will be playing which characters. We also thought about the personalities of the characters so in the end, we decided that we'd cast people who related to their characters personalities.

Scarlett Colson - Ellie (Bubbly, Confident and Heartless)
Connor Hobbs - Ben (Short-tempered, Mysterious and Twisted)
Jamie Reed - Matt (Funny, Friendly and Smart)
Hayley Bell - Friend #1 (Happy, Sociable and Bubbly)
Natasha Weldon - Friend #2 (Loud, Sociable and Bubbly)
Ellie Markie - Friend #3 (Trustworthy, Honest and Caring)

From 28th March, we have changed Matts name to Jamie as it would work out better and we have changed some of the characters.

Scarlett Colson - Ellie
Jamie Reed - Jamie
Hayley Bell - Friend #1
Natasha Weldon - Friend #2
Ellie Markie - Friend #3


Yesterday, Me and Scarlett went to her house to start filming our new shots.
Also, we are changing Matt's name to Jamie as some of the shots we took does not make sense with the mise-en-scene. 

Our new idea -

We are going to start with the same kind of idea but with a different element to it..
Scarlett and Jamie are a happy couple.
Scarlett breaks up with Jamie in the park
and then we will go with the original idea.

We believe this will make our horror film opening much more effective.


Today we were having a look through our filming and we had a conversation with our teacher, and we came to the decision that we will refilm our horror film opening to make the detail of the shots better, and we will have a better and more scary opening.


Now that we have finished the production of our task, we have now moved into the post-production side of the task. Altogether, now we have roughly 11 minutes of material to work with. To make our post-production side of the task good, we have to learn the basics of how to edit using Final Cut Express and how to add titles and sound effects.

Friday 11 February 2011

My group filmed some of our opening of our horror film but as the weather conditions was not good and because we filmed on a sunday in town, and we didnt have enough amount of filming so we decided we will start again, so on Wednesday, we filmed the second part of our opening and we will be filming the first part next week

Thursday 6 January 2011


My group and I, have decided that we are going to start filming for our prelim task on Sunday.
We decided this because of the weather issues of the last month.