Monday 29 November 2010

Because our two opening two minutes of our horror film is based on teen horror films, we needed to find out information on the film classification and what is allowed and suitable for a 15 certified film.
I used the British Board of Film Classification's Website, to find out information about the 15 aged certificate and what is unnacceptable and what is acceptable.

 The information below is taken from the website about the 15 classification:
Discrimination - The work as a whole must not approve disriminatory language or behaviour.

Drugs - Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances such as aerosols is likely to be unacceptable.

Horror - Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.

Imitable behaviour - Dangerous behaviour (e.g. self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied.

Language - There may be a frequent use of strong language. The strongest language may be acceptable if it is justified by context. Aggressive or repeated use of strong language may not be accepted.

Nudity and Sex - Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. Also sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. Strong references may not be acceptable unless it is justified by context.   

Violence - Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. Strongest gory images and strong sadistic or sexualised violence are unlikely to be accepted.

Theme - All themes are allowed providing that they are appropriate for 15 year olds.
In our lesson on wednesday we had to start to think about the opening title of our horror film.
I started of by watching 3 different opening titles of 3 different films on the website

The Player
  • Production
  • Director
  • Title of film
  • Main actors/actresses

25th Hour
  • Producer
  • Production Company
  • Production Company
  • Main actors/actresses
  • Title
  • More actor/actresses
  • Casting
  • Music
  • Costume Design
  • Editor
  • Production design
  • Director of photography
  • Executive producer
  • Producers
  • Screenplay
  • Director

  • production
  • Main actor
  • Director
  • Title
  • Production
  • Main Actors/Actresses
  • screenplay
  • director of photography
  • film editors
  • Music
  • Associate producer
  • Production manager
  • Prodution design
  • Executive producer
  • Producer
  • Director

Monday 22 November 2010


On Wednesday 17th November we went to look for suitable locations to use in our opening of our horror film.

Below, are the pictures we took of different locations and their surroundings that could be suitable for our opening.

Location 1: Pleasure Park.

Pros - Lots of room to film
        - Not many people walk through the park

Cons - Sometimes walkers walk their dogs through the park
         - Have to get to the park to shoot earlier as it gets dark early.

Location 2 - Town

Pros - Lots of places to film from
        - Can film at anytime

Cons  -  Gets quite busy
One other location we thought we could use was the alleyway in Regent Street.

Location 3 - Regent Street

Pros - Quiet
        - Not many people walk through

Cons - Little & Tight space, making filming hard to do.
         - Difficult to use a variety of camera shots and angles.

On Monday 15th November, we discussed and thought about the cast of our film, deciding who will be playing which characters. We also thought about the personalities of the characters so in the end, we decided that we'd cast people who related to their characters personalities.

Scarlett Colson - Ellie (Bubbly, Confident and Heartless)
Connor Hobbs - Ben (Short-tempered, Mysterious and Twisted)
Jamie Reed - Matt (Funny, Friendly and Smart)
Hayley Bell - Friend #1 (Happy, Sociable and Bubbly)
Natasha Weldon - Friend #2 (Loud, Sociable and Bubbly)
Ellie Markie - Friend #3 (Trustworthy, Honest and Caring)
In our lesson, we created storyboards to help us plan our film our opening 2 minutes of our film. In each box of our storyboard, we had to identify the location, the camera shot and the angle movement of the shot. This helps us make our opening more interesting because we have planned it carefully.

Below are the photos of our storyboards of our opening of our horror film.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Opening Ideas

Opening idea 1.

A girl and boy are enjoying a walk through the park and the girl decides to break up with the boy. The boy then is left in the park alone while the girl walks off to meet her new boyfriend who is also her exboyfriends best friend.

Opening idea 2.

A group of girls are heading into town to do some shopping when one of the girls spots her boyfriend and his mate. The girl goes over to the two lads and asks to speak to her boyfriend, she breaks up with her boyfriend and the group walk off leaving the girls ex boyfriend in the middle of town alone.

We decided to go with opening 2 because we could work more with the plot and the town is more accessible than the parks and it would relate better with our plot of our horror film.

Monday 1 November 2010

In my lesson today, we had to pitch an idea for a teen horror film to Mr Henton, and Mr Henton told us that our idea was acceptable and we could go ahead to the pre-production stages of our work.